Pea Gravel (Beach Gravel) – 3/8″


Sold by the Cubic Yard


Pea gravel is often called beach gravel, and has many indoor and outdoor uses. This type of natural decorative stone is good for landscaping where minimal maintenance is desired.  Its naturally smooth texture and varied coloring make it a good stone for filling beds where there is no hardscape or vegetation.  It fills small areas nicely and can be used for creating natural looking boundaries between different types of beds.  In addition, pea gravel is often used in potted plants and flower boxes.  In flower gardens, it can be  used as a drainage reservoir where water is problematic.  Stone Depot sells larger decorative stone as well, which you can find here.  This product is sold by the cubic yard.

Additional information

Dimensions 36 × 36 × 36 yd